Refund Policy

Return Duration

We love to provide our best for the customer, for every single transaction you have made with us in past or at current time period. We want you to experience a stress free acquisition of all your necessities and business stocks

Our Return Terms

Some particular product or services such as DTH are only liable for exchange or returns once acquired from Star Communications, rest of all stuffs are subject to refund as per the rules of direct network.

In case, if an individual hasn't received a recharge in his or her account then in such scenario user may lodge a complaint for refund of amount or making reacquisition of the orders, from our service department.

A Product or service liable under return policy could be processed within 2-3 days of its delivery just by dropping a cancellation request to our website or making a contact with our customer care on 9443900312, 9003565049
Users need to be alert that he or she does not accept the orders from third parties operating with our name in Indian locations. We are in a single service chain and do not have third party source for our sales.

Cancellation Duration

Cancellation norms of Rolex Easy follow special norms for its few categories of products or services. There are no cancellations accepted for the products or services that are beyond our control of acceptance due to company's or operators norms such as Mobile recharge, DTH recharge and so on. Once you have signed up to a particular service through our interface the cancellations rule does not apply for those sign up charges.

Once you request for the cancellation of particular service, it may take up to 2-3 working days to process your cancellation request and make a refund of your amount. However, if you opt to get back your funds to its original source then it may take up to 4-5working days.

Our Cancellation terms

You need to get in touch with customer care for getting any regards on such process, and you would be notified through calls or mails.

You need to remember that our responsibility is only limited with offering a valid recharge or refund of amount to users. We regret to accept any other liability or claim, generated from failed interface of Rolex Easy.